This year has been strange. Like, really, REALLY strange. I could go on for hours and hours about this global pandemic, and many other political nightmares, but I will spare you the rant and simply say that if you are tired and stressed, you are not alone. Have you ever smoked or inhaled marijuana to ease all of that stress and anxiety you carry around? Personally, alongside a decent diet (let’s get real, tacos are life) and regular gym sessions, smoking weed is my preferred choice. Let me ask you another question, friend: Do you are in Washington DC and are at least 21 years of age? Yes? Perfect. Allow me to tell you about my “Mr. Nice Guy”, Capital Chronic. 




Capital Chronic is Washington DC’s best and most reliable weed delivery service. Not only is their weed superb, but they make it incredibly easy to access. All you have to do is drop a text containing the word “Menu” to their direct line. You can expect an immediate response from the Capital Chronic team with the most recent raffle ticket and cannabis gift choices. Text on over your selections along with valid verification of your age, your Washington DC address, desired time of delivery, and that is it! You don’t even have to commit to their service right away. Have some questions? Need to talk about it? That’s cool, too. The friendly staff at Capital Chronic will happily take your phone call. They are committed to both fast and on-time deliveries as well as professionally engaging with, and caring for, their Washington DC community. 




Remember when I mentioned the raffle tickets? Yeah, you are going to want to hang onto those. Each week, Capital Chronic selects lucky raffle tickets and, the owners of said raffle tickets, then gets another free weed gift. That’s right. Even during this grisly, unnerving time, Capital Chronic has your back, giving you, their Washington DC neighbor, something to look forward to every week. Becoming a regular subscriber to this dynamite weed delivery service certainly has many perks. One of which is the chance to win extra free cannabis, quite potentially, “on the regular”. 



Another great perk of Capital Chronic’s bomb-diggity services is the fact that you can rely on these guys. Listen, the staff members do not have their heads in the sand. They are fully abreast on today’s news, knowing full and well that the need for extra sanitary safety is at an all-time high. With that said, you know your weed deliveries will be met with great care and respect to both your property and your health. Capital Chronic is dedicated to adhere to all proper protocols of social distancing, cleanliness and sanitation. So, don’t have a cow, buddy. Sit back, rather, and take a toke or two. Like I said, Capital Chronic has your back! Give them a text today. From one fellow stoner to another, you will not regret it and that’s a promise.

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